Celebrating The Seasons With Children

CTSWC Midsummer : St. John's Tide

I am delighted to introduce a new product to Raising Little Shoots:

Celebrating The Seasons With Children is a series of handbooks written to guide you, step by step, in creating meaningful and authentic celebrations for your own family.

A simple, open and go format gives you all the information you will need to celebrate the seasons of the year. Both the natural rhythms, and also the seasons that we celebrate as a church.

Beginning with Celebrating The Seasons With Children: 

Midsummer and St. John’s Tide : 24th June

Traditionally, Midsummer is celebrated on June 24th, the feast day of St. John the Baptist. The sun, a burning and shining light, is at its highest point in the sky, during the heady and dreamy days of midsummer. The feast day of Saint John, whom Jesus himself described as a ‘burning and shining lamp,’ reminds us to prepare the innermost pathways of our souls, and to make straight the way for Jesus into our hearts.

Within this guide, you will find:

  • Getting started: notes on using this guide
  • About Midsummer and St. John’s Tide
  • Joyfully Observing Midsummer and St. John’s Tide
  • Book List
  • A poem to enjoy as you celebrate
  • A piece of art to enjoy as you celebrate
  • Midsummer and St. John’s Tide Journal Pages

Sample pages

This resource is written for a wide range of ages.

I hope that these traditions bring you as much joy as they have brought to my own family.

Buy Ebook ~ $6


Keeping Wildlife Safe On Bonfire Night

wildlife bonfire

We drill the importance of safety on Bonfire night to our children; let’s remember the wild creatures too.

If you are having a bonfire, please be sure to build it on the day the fire will actually be lit. This will prevent any wild animals, especially hedgehogs, searching for a comfortable spot to hibernate, coming to a sad end.

When setting off fireworks, check they are not being lit near local bird’s nesting areas: Nesting boxes, trees, hedges etc.

Lastly, as always on bonfire night, keep pets indoors. Bonfire night can be extremely stressful for them.

Have a safe and fun Bonfire night!

Hips And Haws



I have been quite poorly this week, so I was bursting to get out for a walk this morning.

Unfortunately Rose has now caught my cold, so it was just me and my big girl.


It was damp & chilly, but not too cold. We enjoyed the colours that are beginning to change.



The hedgerows are bursting, and we collected hips and haws.


Once back at home, we settled in for apple cake, knitting, and a spooky tale: The Canterbury Ghost by Oscar Wilde


Elianna is knitting a hat with her own hand-dyed yarn.

I am working on socks for Elianna


We crafted winter posies from the hips and haws; jewell-bright reminders of the natural world to brighten our days.




Happy exploring!

Growing Up In England

Growing up in England

Jamie from Simple Homeschool has written a smashing book:

Raising Globally Minded Kids One Book At A Time

To celebrate, she has interviewed families all around the world and is sharing their stories.  I am thrilled to share with you that we are today’s featured family!

Please head over to Simple Homeschool today to read our story.

Masterly Inactivity for the Homeschooling Mother, or, Why We Do Not School Year ‘Round

I occasionally write for the wonderful Sandbox To Socrates site (a veritable treasure trove for the Charlotte Mason / Classical home educator)
I have a post up there today. Make yourself a cup of something good to drink, and take a moment to read.
Masterly Inactivity for the Homeschooling Mother, or, Why We Do Not School Year ‘Round

A Warm And Cosy Giveaway

Do you remember the socks that I was knitting for Rose? With the yarn she dyed herself? They are finally complete.


And they are too small 🙂

I knew they would be too small from the beginning, as I had cast on too few stitches. I keep a little scrap of card with everyone’s stitch count and unfortunately, I looked at the number of stitches I used for Rose when she was younger.

But I would like to take the opportunity to offer the socks as a giveaway. A small gesture of thanks to you all for your continued support.

As they are hand-knit, they have a fair bit of stretch, so should fit a range of sizes, but I would suggest Euro size 28-30 / UK 10-11.5 / US 10.5-12.5 This is my approximate guess!

They are made from the softest merino wool, with a very fine silver thread that runs throughout to give a lovely sparkle. They will be best hand washed (I use the hand wash programme on my washing machine.)

If you would like to be entered to win, please comment below & Rose will draw a name on Sunday.

Please share this with friends. I shall also be sharing on the Exploring Nature With Children Facebook group

January Nature Table


I cleared up our advent nature table once Epiphany was over, and the kings had made their arrival (you can see a photo of the December table here.)

We keep our nature treasures in a special box and Rose was keen to add lots of items, so we have a real miss-mash going on!


Flies that she has bought for fishing, crab shells we found on the beach a few years ago, a gnawed cone from a recent walk


She found this glorious chunk of lichen recently, which made a handsome addition to our January table.


And our rainbow fairy. If you read my last Calendar of Firsts post, you will know we had a few last week.

What is on your nature table this month?

Edit: I get asked a lot about the book on our nature table. It is by Elsa Beskow & is called Around The Year. Be aware that there is a mini edition available when buying; ours is the full A4 size.



Another Fresh New Year Is Here…

ny 1

Happy New year!

I hope it is a peaceful one, filled with wonder x

Rosie’s Socks, Or The Meditative Power Of Knitting


I am well on the way to getting Rosie’s socks finished. My dad was admitted to hospital on the Tuesday before Christmas with pneumonia, he was extremely poorly, so I sat at his bedside, the gentle clicking of my needles filling the silence. My stitches helped to keep me calm, an unspoken prayer for when words were too difficult.

Often, I was simply too tired to knit. When not at dad’s bedside, I was at home, busy with Christmas preparations, or in the car, driving my mum to the hospital.

As he began to improve, my hands were busy with washing and feeding dad, then bringing newspapers, or helping him speak to mum on the telephone.

I am beyond thankful that dad is back at home now, but I have been reminded of what Christmas really is to me; family, togetherness, warmth, and love. That darkness and despair will not go on forever;

For a child is born to us,

a son is given to us.

The government will rest on his shoulders.

And he will be called:

Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God,

Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

His government and its peace

will never end.

Isaiah 9:6-7