Autumn Equinox Week | Exploring Nature with Children

This week in Exploring Nature With Children is ‘Autumn Equinox Week’.

Here are some helpful links to help with your studies:

Exploring Nature With Children is an open and go curriculum. To make it even easier, I have created a free calendar for you to download.

If you’re following along with the community over on Instagram, do pop over and say hello! Think of it as your virtual home school co op! 

To enable you to connect with other families working through the ENWC curriculum, this week’s hashtag will be: #ENWCautumnequinox

Happy exploring!

2 thoughts on “Autumn Equinox Week | Exploring Nature with Children

  1. Thank you for this! We have been sad about summer coming to an end but Autumn Equinox is one of our favorites. As a kid and adult I never knew about this till I bought your program when my child was 2 or 3. Now she just turned 6 and is starting to be able to draw more. We are excited for this week and have had it marked on our calendar! Thanks for all you have shared! Love the video explanation, so helpful for mama and my inquisitive child.

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