Important Info For Minibeast Week

Hello friends!

There’s a sentence missing from one of the Minibeast week activities in Exploring Nature With Children. It should read as follows:

Hunt for a garden spider’s web. Wait for the spider to leave the web, then spray the web with hairspray, and sprinkle with baby powder or flour whilst the hairspray is still wet. Carefully bring a piece of black cardstock from behind the web, until the web is laying on the card. Give the web & cardstock another quick spritz of hairspray to fix the web in place. Garden spiders build a new web each day.

This was the missing part: sprinkle with baby powder or flour.

My sincere apologies to you all. It has now been updated in ENWC.

Also, don’t forget we’re switching around September Week Two & Week Three, to accommodate for the Harvest Moon on the 14th. There’s a free calendar to download that has all the year’s dates.

Happy exploring!

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