Weather Week ~ Exploring Nature With Children


This week’s theme from Exploring Nature With Children is weather, and this post is rather pitiful I’m afraid.

Rose has been extremely poorly this week with a virus, so we have stayed at home and done very little; though we did get to read a little Lassie.

So Rosie’s virus, combined with working on the Nature-Themed Advent Calendar and daily home educating life has meant Rose & I did not get our nature journals completed this week. (My big-girl did, however, and I forgot to take a photograph. Oops!)

Rose & I made it to the park yesterday. Elianna was feeling a little under the weather, so we left her at home, working on her Latin and maths, while we went to visit the pigeons and pond-dwellers…


They were rather hungry..


As we got ready to leave, Rose emptied the last of her wild bird seed into the water and the ducks had a feeding frenzy, with their little bottoms all up in the air!


We said good-bye, and walked away with Rose looking like the Pied Piper of Hamelin!


It seems the cold and damp weather is having a very strong effect on the wildlife as well as us humans.

I hope you are all well and have managed your nature walk this week, let me know how you are getting on in the comments, or on the FaceBook group; It makes my day to hear from my readers.

I shall be posting a supplies list very soon for the Nature-Themed Advent Calendar, which begins on Tuesday! I love Advent so much; we go from regular lessons to ‘Advent-school’, which is the best part of home educating, in my opinion. I love the waiting, the contemplation…

Anyhow, I shall be back soon with the supplies list. (Don’t worry, as this is a nature-themed calendar, the list will be very short!

Happy Exploring!

4 thoughts on “Weather Week ~ Exploring Nature With Children

  1. Hi Lynn

    We had a good walk, still seeing lots of interesting things, I take a small notebook with me and I make a list of what we find of interest. If the list runs to a full page or more it was a good walk, our record is three pages! This week was a page and a bit, so a good walk, my son came up with this grading system, he gets excited when I say I have filled the page! We live in Lincolnshire so we have big skies which is great for looking at clouds, we often play the game of seeing shapes in the clouds, so as part of school it was great!

    I haven’t got round to my journal page yet, but the children both stepped outside the curriculum and did an entry on hibernating hedgehogs, and wasps prompted by what was seen on the walk.

    My daughter loved seeing the ducks feeding, we don’t have any at our spot which I think is rather strange, in fact there is not as much life as I would expect at all.

    Hope you are all feeling better in time for Advent, we are going to join in too.

    Best wishes


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