If you find yourself homeschooling…

If you find yourself homeschooling instead of your children being at school as usual, you may be be feeling somewhat overwhelmed.

Here’s a daily rhythm that you might find helpful in keeping this time as peaceful and stress free as possible:

* Rise & Shine!

* Dress & hygiene

Have everyone up at the same time each day. Get them washed and dressed, ready for breakfast.

* Breakfast & clean up
Everyone sit at the table for breakfast, you can chat about your day ahead, and bigger children can help wee ones if needed. Everyone clear their own place, and give each child a specific clean up chore (washing the dishes, sweeping up crumbs, putting away the toast rack, etc.)

* Family Quiet Time
Gather together to have quiet time, in whatever way that works for your own family. You may wish to pray, read your Bible, make a telephone call to a poorly, or elderly neighbour. Whatever works best for you.

* Chores
Everyone can help here, even little tots can help sort out laundry; you’ll just need adjust your standards a little! Play some joyful music & set a timer.

* Reading time
Take a bathroom break, then settle everyone down with drinks and snacks as you read aloud to them. Read fairy tales, stories of heroes, books of your children’s choosing, poems & rhymes, tales from history. Read whatever you have.

* Narrate
Simply ask your child to tell back their favourite part of the story (or the most interesting part, scariest part, etc.) Older children can write this instead of telling.

* Maths games
Play hopscotch, throw beanbags as you recite timetables, set up a wee ‘shop’ using tins and packets from the kitchen. There’s lots of practice there with addition and subtraction, and maths facts.

* Lunch & clean up

* Nap or rest time
Everyone can lie on their beds and read / look at books quietly, or take a nap.

* Time out of doors
Play in the garden, watch the birds at the feeders, take a walk around your neighbourhood.
If you are indoors, then there are many videos with movement songs on YouTube.

* Creativity
Lego, drawing, colouring, painting, knitting, sewing, playing with blocks, puzzles etc.

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