New Beginnings


Having blogged for a long time over on Blogger & let it go by the wayside due to lots of other commitments, I have decided to blog again & have moved to WordPress for a fresh new start.

Over the last week or two I have had the sudden urge to get rid of clutter…really get rid of clutter. It has been hard, tiring & very emotional work. But I am feeling the benefits. I feel like I can breathe again..

The emotional part for me was getting rid of so much ‘baby clutter’. All the things that had clothed my two daughters as they have grown. Beautiful velvet dungarees & hand knit bonnets that warmed them in winter time, soft cotton knit dresses & crisp linen sun hats that cooled them in the summer sun. Memories galore were in those many boxes. And it was so hard to think of parting with them.

But go they must. My little house needed to breathe again!

I have cut up many of the baby clothes into lovely neat squares, ready to be repurposed (more on that another time.) Some clothes have gone to new homes – to give comfort to the babies of good friends. The remaining things have been boxed into much smaller baby boxes – one for each daughter. They both enjoy seeing the things they wore when they were tiny – they marvel at how small their feet were, and the impossibly small nappies & babygrows they had.

I did save a tiny pair of wellington boots – worn by both Elianna & Rose in their turn.


Aren’t they sweet?

And they are useful! To be greeted by blossoms & happy memories each time I return home is so much better for the soul than to have all those things packed away in boxes in my attic.

Managing clutter is just that – management. It requires our time, energy & dedication, of which we all have limited resources. And I can see that for me, those resources would be better spent caring for my family & myself.


7 thoughts on “New Beginnings

  1. Lynn love this. So honest and so true. Decluttering our environment around us helps keep our minds decluttered too and allows more positive energy of the family to flow through. Memories are wonderful and create our futures but sometimes memories and memorabilia can block our future. It is so heart warming to see what you have done with certain things of the girls and going to do with others. Keep up the good work misses (sounds like a teacher now… 😉 )

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